Hello world!

Hi, the name’s Casey, and I’m from Gibraltar.

So, erm, what is this then? I’m guessing this is intended to be a lifestyle sort of blog, a self centered account of my daily thoughts, purchases and adventures. Just starting this to see how it pans out and where it takes me.

Why start a blog now? Well I’ve been through a lot in my life and I sure as hell don’t want to go through my Facebook to relive those good [and bad] moments… plus there’s nothing interesting there apart from pug videos and pranks shared from The Lad Bible…

Being from small cozy Gibraltar, leaving was the biggest thing for me. Yes, I go back for Christmas, and yes, I go back for summer [man can’t stay white for too long] So maybe this blog will be about what I’m encountering, learning and doing whilst I’m away? Who knows…

Damn, this blog has started really mysteriously, sorry about that.
